Leonard Yuzon Andaya

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Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Program

Field of Study: History
Home Institution: University of Hawaii at Manoa
Host Institution: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Year: 2006
Project Title: A Polity Model for the Margins: Interlocking Regional and Local Socio-Economic Networks in Eastern Indonesia, c. 1400-1800

Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Program

Field of Study: History
Home Institution: University of Hawaii at Manoa
Host Institution: Universitas Indonesia
Year: 2000
Project Title: Process of Ethnic Formation in the Straits of Malacca in the Early Modern Period (c. 1500-c. 1800)
Current Institution: University of Hawaii at Manoa
Last Modified: 04/12/2022
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